Monday, June 10, 2013

Logan's and Jenna's Birthday

 The morning of Logan's birth

Gabe cutting the umbilical cord. he always said he wasn't going to cut it. Then he just decided to last minute. Made me happy!

He had his fingers in his mouth immediately. He definitely was sucking on his fingers in the womb. 

Finally he got brought to me. I felt like I had to wait for ever. Gabe was with him the whole time at the nursery getting checked out. 

What a good papa!

Ok, so I'm a little swollen in the face, but the good news is that I lost most the water weight within days of being home. :) 

 Grandma Cin's first official meeting.
I'm so happy my mom was able to come for a week. She helped out so much!

The uncles came to visit at the hospital. I'm so glad that they were able to make it. Above is Jake and below is Josh. 

Uncle Jared

We were both in great shape so the doctors released us early. 

Scooby has done real well with the baby. He was pretty curious at first and now he is just really protective of him. He checks everyone out when they are holding him. 

For my birthday we had a little BBQ. Uncle Johnny came to meet him. 

Gabe baked me a yummy cake. Love him!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Growing Belly!

 See my growing belly from 12 weeks pregnant until the day of Logan's birth!